Write for Wisconsin Bride

Here are some tips on how to get a freelance writing gig with Wisconsin Bride:

  • Always pitch an actual story idea. Sending an e-mail that simply lets us know you're a freelance writer available to write doesn't really tell us a lot about you, such as what you're interested in writing and how you'd write it.
  • Actually read the magazine before you pitch. Get to know the regular columns and departments. In your pitch, explain where in the magazine you think your story would best fit.
  • Pitch stories directly connected to Minnesota. Because people pick up Wisconsin Bride to learn more about local wedding resources, we rarely publish stories that aren't directly connected to what's happening right here in the state of Wisconsin.
  • Know the tone of the magazine. Wisconsin Bride's writers have unique voices that are professional without being overly formal. If you can approximate this style, you might be right for the magazine.

Who's writing and illustrating the magazine?
The editor assigns most of the stories each issue to local freelance writers. The remainder is written by staff and interns. We hire local writers only because they have the best understanding of the city and its vernacular. Almost all of the artwork featured in our magazine is submitted by local photographers.

Query Procedures
WE DO NOT ACCEPT QUERIES OVER THE PHONE. Queries should be submitted in writing via e-mail and consist of three parts:

  1. What is the story? A brief synopsis written in the style of your proposed piece.
  2. How will you tell it? Detail what sources you will use and how you will research the story.
  3. Why? Answer the "so what?" Why is this story important now? Why should you be the one to tell it? Why is this story right for Wisconsin Bride?


What should I avoid in a query?
Don't send us queries that have nothing to do with planning a wedding in Wisconsin. Even though our magazine covers a broad range of topics, we're not interested in everything under the sun. Your story idea must be relevant to our readers' lives and must tap into a current vein be it gowns, catering, photography, etc.
     We are also mostly interested in experienced writers who have written specifically for bridal and lifestyle magazines like ours.

How will I know if you've accepted my query?
Sometimes it takes us weeks to get around to reading queries. Because of our staff size and the volume of queries we receive, it is impossible for us to respond to every query. We will do our best to respond to your query in the timeliest manner possible. We prefer that you follow up with us via email. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.
     Sometimes your pitch isn't exactly what we're looking for, but we like your tone, your approach and the way you think. If that happens, we'll usually keep your pitch and clips on file and contact you if a story comes up that we think you might be interested in. You never know; you could hear from us a year after you pitched us for a totally different reason.
     If you want the opportunity to sell your story to another publication after we've had a chance to review it, please indicate a time frame (ie. "If I don't hear from you within 30 days, I'll assume you're not interested and will begin to pitch the story to other publications.") We won't take it personally.
     If you are to get an assignment from us, style and content, as well as deadline and payment, are negotiated when the assignment is made. The editor will then issue a contract to be signed by both writer and editor.

Payment Procedures
Freelance writers are paid on or about 60 days after publication. Expenses such as phone calls, mileage, meals and trips are generally not reimbursed. Wisconsin Bride purchases exclusive one-time rights for a period of 60 days from publication. All editorial material is protected by copyright. Tiger Oak Media retains the right to reprint editorial material for promotional use by a Tiger Oak publication, with credit given.


We cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, slides, photographs or other material.

Where to send your query:
Please send all queries via email to Sarah Baumann Rogers at sarah.rogers@tigeroak.com.