
Love on Their Land Engagement Session

With their wedding date set for September 2015, high-school sweethearts Monica and Austin took to Beechwood Lake with Leah Kasper Photography for their engagement photos. The timing was perfect, as just weeks later the old pier shown had to be pulled from the water due to a bog running into it. The couple was actually there to see it crack in half! Off the water, the couple used their photos to focus on their future together by setting the scene on the gorgeous land they had just purchased with plans for one day building their home. The outdoors made for the perfect backdrop of this couple's love story, and we're in love with how the natural setting can be so simple yet so amazing for capturing a couple's connection to one another. See for yourself...

Monica and AustinMonica and AustinMonica and AustinMonica and AustinMonica and AustinMonica and AustinMonica and Austin

From the bride-to-be:

Austin and I met at a February Snowball Dance in high school. Prior to the event, he had gotten my number from a mutual friend and asked if I would save one slow dance for him. A few days later, there I stood in the middle of the high school cafeteria, black dress, hair curled. waiting. Just when I thought this bum wasn't going to show up, Austin appeared, walking through the crowd. He reached for my hands and I grabbed his. He pulled me in closer to dance. "You look beautiful," he said. My smile burst into a laugh. As my mother would say, quoted from a favorite Disney movie, "We were both 'twitter-paitted!' That was February 2010. Since that slow dance, life has picked up tempo. We have struggled through a lot together, grown up a lot together, laughed together, played together, and together we have realized that we are both human. As much as we love each other, we are going to more than once let each other down, going to say something hurtful, or not always do the right thing. We realize that neither of us are perfect, so we can't hold the other to be. We center our relationship on God. We lean on him when we are weak, because we know for He will never let us down! We encourage each other and have each other's backs. We are patiently awaiting our wedding day, September 12th, 2015. Well, really, I'm so excited, I could burst!

