
Sugar & Sweet: Bright Spring Colors

Written by
Reeve Currie

This color combo is everything cheerful and peppy to inspire your spring wedding decor. Insta is full of rosy pinks and and lemon yellow this week -putting us in the mood for buds blooming and snow melting! 

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Patiently waiting for the first signs of spring

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Balloons and tiara spread.

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Just as we'd finished the series of family portraits and folks were leaving for the reception I noticed how the sun was casting a golden hue through the oak savanna. There was a small patch of restored native prairie right next to where the family session was taking place. Within moments I was set up and capturing one of my favorite portraits. I don't like running filters to make a photo "pop." I'd much rather take advantage of ambient lighting. #wedding #weddingphotography #weddingphotographer #weddings #madisonweddingphotos #wisconsinweddingphotographer #wisconsinphotographer #madisonweddingphotographer #wisconsinwedding #madisonwedding #wisconsin #madisonwi #wisconsinlife #midwestliving #midwestmoment #weddingplanning #weddingideas #weddinginspiration #weddinginspo #wisconsinbride #wisconsinbridemag #lovemadisonweddings #weddingportrait

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